Supporting Documents
When the Adjudicator communicates the adjudication process to the Parties (refer to Adjudication Process for instructions), the Adjudicator will specify the supporting documents (and number of pages) that each Party may submit to the Adjudicator for consideration. The Adjudicator must also communicate a timeline to the Parties, indicating the due date for supporting documents.
The Claimant’s supporting documents are due within five days of the appointment of the Adjudicator. Section 13.11 of the Construction Act, states:
13.11 No later than five days after an adjudicator agrees or is appointed to conduct the adjudication, the party who gave the notice of adjudication shall,
(a) provide to the adjudicator a copy of the notice; and
(b) provide to the adjudicator and to the other party a copy of the contract or subcontract and any documents the party intends to rely on during the adjudication.
The Adjudicator must notify the Respondent as to when it must submit its supporting documents.
Downloading the Parties’ Supporting Documents
The Claimant and the Respondent will send their documents to the Adjudicator through the “Documents” page on ODACC’s Custom System, a screenshot of which is found below (at Figure 6). The Claimant, Respondent, Adjudicator, and all individuals who have access to the adjudication will be able to view the documents uploaded on the Documents page. After a Party uploads a document, the Adjudicator and the other Party will receive an email advising them that a new document has been uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System. All documents can be downloaded from the chart at the bottom of the Documents page.
FAQ: When will documents be deemed to have been uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System?
Where a document is uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System between midnight and 3:59 pm (EST) on a business day, the document will be deemed to have been uploaded on that day. Where a document is uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System between 4:00 p.m. and midnight (EST) or on a weekend or statutory holiday, it will be deemed to have been uploaded on the following business day.
FAQ: Can documents be deleted after they have been uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System?
No. Documents cannot be deleted after they have been uploaded on ODACC’s Custom System.